Automated pulse surveys, with anonymous results sent to everyone on the team.
Setup takes less than 5 minutes.
No credit card required.
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Automated pulse surveys, with anonymous results sent to everyone on the team. Setup takes less than 5 minutes. No credit card required.
Try it out: Every so often, your team will receive surveys with questions like this. (Try picking an answer below!)
See the results:When the survey ends, everyone will get an email summary of the results:
Subject: Your Chekkin survey results
Have you had enough time away from work to enjoy your personal life?
Learn more about how Chekkin works →
According to a study from Harvard Business Review Analytics Services:
The same anonymous survey results are sent to the entire team, including the manager—empowering everyone to be an owner.
Chekkin never stores survey answers in connection with an individual, freeing everyone to give honest answers.
Surveys and results are sent automatically on a schedule of your choice, and team members don't need to make an account to respond.
You can easily add anyone to your Chekkin team—so contractors or consultants can be included, too.